Healing from Trauma

Trauma is more than what happens to us, it is what happens inside of us.

Trauma can fracture our connection to the self. It can cause unyielding anxiety, hyper-vigilance, emotional dysregulation, physical constriction, insomnia, flashbacks, and intrusive thoughts. Trauma lives in the body as much as it inhabits the mind. It’s reflected in the ways we hold our shoulders, the depth of our breathe, our digestive health, our capacity for sleep, and our level of alertness.

How can acupuncture help?

What acupuncture offers is a physiological intervention to trauma. Through helping the body to find homeostasis, the mind is able to find stillness as well. Acupuncture supports nervous system regulation, restorative sleep, a deep feeling of calm, a release of physical tension, and a reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety. Focusing on the physical repercussions of trauma can foster a sense of peace and emotional balance.

A safe space for healing

I am committed to offering a safe, respectful, and empathetic space for your healing journey. As we work together, my aim is to help you reclaim a sense of peace and stability through the gentle, yet profound healing capacities of acupuncture.