Mobile Acupuncture: Bringing Wellness to your Doorstep

CO Acupuncture is a mobile wellness practice committed to convenient and personalized care. This mobile business embodies a boutique-like approach prioritizing your time and comfort. Embrace the ease of high-quality acupuncture without needing to leave your home.

Initial Acupuncture Intake Appointment

The intake is a thorough verbal exploration of your treatment goals, current symptoms, and body systems. This is followed by a physical exam and a nourishing, personalized acupuncture treatment.

Approximately 90 minutes, $120.00

Follow up Acupuncture Appointment

A follow up appointment is a targeted treatment which can include acupuncture, moxibustion, and informed bodywork.

Approximately 60 minutes, $80.00

Cash deductions available

If you are financially compromised and in deep need of supportive care, I have designed a sliding scale to begin endeavoring towards accessibility. I have a number of these appointments available each week. Contact me for more information and to check on the current availability of these spots.