Five Element

My primary lens to treatment is Five Element theory, which focuses on healing through a re-alignment with authenticity and integrity. Globally we are witnessing the environmental repercussions of nature being overtaxed. Five Element explores the idea that the nature around us is also reflected inside us.

The acupuncture meridians that shape our body create a complex ecosystem. How does disharmony in one meridian spread to impact the functioning of the whole system? Five Element asks with consideration where our individual constitutions are over-functioning or compromised and redirects energy through carefully chosen points.

Acupuncture points are suggestions to the body. They’re ideas or nudges, they move blockages, they nourish deficiency, and they empower certain qualities and values. There are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual capacities to each point. Point selection guides the body toward its own unique expression of homeostasis.

Some of the guiding influences to my five element practice are the teachers Thea Elijah, Alexander Love, Lonny Jarrett, and Jeffrey Yuen.